This templates to be use at Multiply Do the following steps to "install" this theme: 1) Select the "Avlack" theme by clicking 2) Copy and paste the CSS code below to the CSS page on your setting page. You could do copy paste after clicking this link
(Note:!!!! Remember to backup the CSS file that is already installed on the settings page, if you want to be able to restore the previous theme) ==========================================
This is the CSS code : body { background: url( no-repeat fixed bottom left; background-color: #000000; } /*PAGE TOP*/ div.owner_nav { border: none; margin: 0 auto; height: 247px; width: 780px; border: 0px solid #fff; border-bottom: none; padding: 39px 0px 0px 0px; background: url( no-repeat top center; background-color: transparent; background-position: 0 0px; } /*PAGE TOP MENU*/ div#subnavc { padding: 107px 0 0 0; background-color: transparent; border: none; width: 780px; height: 40px; background: url() no-repeat bottom center; background-color: transparent; } /* item contents area */ .itembox { border-color: none; color: #FFFFFF; } /* item box titles */ .itemboxsub { background-color: transparent; border-color: transparent; color: #FFFFFF; } /*FONT COLORS*/ a:link {color:#FF0000;} a:visited {color:#FF0000;} a.topt, a:visited.topt {color:#FFFFFF;} a.toptsel, a:visited.toptsel {color: #FF0000;}, {color:#FF0000;} a.signout{color:#000000;} .itembox {color:#FFFFFF;} .itemboxsub {color: #FF0000;} h1#page_owner_title { font-size: 35px; color: #fff; font-weight: bold; font-family: arial; } /*NAVIGATION BAR*/ div#subnavc { background-color:transparent; border-top:6px none #FFFFFF; } /*BODY*/ div#page_start { border-color: transparent; border-style:none; } td#maincontent { background-color:transparent; } .itembox { background:transparent none repeat scroll 0%; border-color:#C7DC4E; border-style:none; color:#ffffff; } /*title box*/ .itemboxsub { color:#ffffff; } /*Post Date (inside title boxez)*/ .itemsubsub { color:#ffffff; } /*Post Date (inside boxez)*/ .posteddate { color:#ffffff; } /*RIGHT RAIL*/ td.rail { background-color:transparent; } .railstart { background:transparent none no-repeat scroll -30px 0pt; } .railbody { background:transparent none repeat scroll 0%; border:none; } .railend { background:transparent none repeat scroll 0%; } .railsep { background:transparent none repeat scroll 0%; } /*FOOTER*/ div#ownedfooter { background-color:transparent; border-color:#999999; border-style:none; color:#ffffff; } /*VIEWING HISTORY*/ div.stats div.infobox .boxbody { border:1px none #DDDDDD; } div.stats .infobox { background-color:transparent; } div.stats { color:#ffffff; } /*LINKS*/ a, a:visited, a:link { color:#ffffff; } /*PHOTO ALBUM*/ div.prevnextlinks, div.prevnextlinks a, div.prevnextlinks a:link, div.prevnextlinks a:hover, div.prevnextlinks a:visited, div.prevnextlinks a:active { background:transparent none repeat scroll 0%; } .album { color:#FFFFFF; } /*Linear View*/ .itemboxalbum { background:transparent none repeat scroll 0%; border-color:#C7DC4E; border-style:none; border-width:1px; color:#ffffff; } /*OTHER LINKS & TEXT*/ /*other pages - owner post administration*/ a.mine, a.mine:link, a.mine:visited { color:#ffffff; } /*other pages - visitor post functions*/ div.ritemactions a, div.ritemactions a:link, div.ritemactions a:visited { color:#ffffff; } /*other pages - owner reply administration*/ div.actionlinks a.mine, div.actionlinks a.mine:link, div.actionlinks a.mine:visited { color:#ffffff; } /*other pages - navigation links*/ div.relatedlinks { color:#ffffff; } /*deleted replies*/ .replydeleted { color:#ffffff; } /*Tag:*/ div.relatedlinks { color:#ffffff; } /*text for uploading videos from other sites*/ div.add_sublabel { color:#ffffff; } /*links for uploading videos from other sites*/ div.add_sublabel a, div.add_sublabel a:link, div.add_sublabel a:visited { color:#ffffff; } div.add_sublabel a:hover { color:#ffffff; } /*REPLY BOXES*/ .replybox { background:transparent none repeat-x scroll -25px 50%; border-style:none; color:#FFFFFF; } .replyboxread { background:transparent none repeat-x scroll -25px; border-color:#DDDDDD; border-style:none; border-width:1px medium medium; color:#ffffff; } .replyboxstamp { color:#ffffff; } .quotet { background:transparent none repeat-y scroll -25px 50%; border:1px none #DDDDDD; color:#ffffff; } /*TABLE VIEW*/ /*border do not removed yet*/ .tablediv1 th { background-color:transparent; color:#FFFFFF; } .tablediv1 tr { background-color:transparent; } .bodysummary { color:#FFFFFF; } /*on mouse hover*/ .tablediv1 tr:hover { background-color:transparent; }


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